Alighiero Boetti, Io che prendo il sole a Torino il 19 gennaio 1969 Allen Jones, Chair, 1969Ana Hatherly, 39 Tisanas, Porto, 1969Artists attack MoMA, 1969José Afonso, Contos Velhos Novos Rumos, Orfeu, 1969Don McCullin, South Vietnam, 1968Dorothea Tanning, Nue couchée, 1969-70Eduardo Paolozzi, Standard Pacific Time from Zero Energy Experimental Pile, 1969–70Edward Ruscha, Pool n. 2, 1968Evelyne Axell, Erotomobile, 1966Fisher, Andy Warhols Scars, NY, 1969Francis Bacon, Autoportrait, 1969Fotogramas do multimedia Almada, Um Nome de Guerra de Ernesto de Sousa, 1969Gerald Laing, Brigitte Bardot, 1968-69Gilbert the Cunt and Gilbert the Shit, 1969Guerilla Art Action Group, 1969, NYC, MoMaJane Birkin & Serge GainsbourgJoe Tilson, R - Rhyme and Ritual, 1969John Cage, Cheap Imitation, 1969Joseph Beuys, Experimenta 3, Frankfurt, 1969Robert Morris, Lead and felt, 1969Michael Heizer, Bern depression, 1969Peter Blake, Leo 139, 1969Rauschenberg, Sky Garden, 1969Peter Phillips, Apollo II, 1969Richard Hamilton, Swingeing London 67, 1968-69Roy Lichtenstein, Paper Plate, 1969Stanley Kubrick and the 1969 Moon LandingsSteve Reich, Drumming, 1969Timothy Leary and LSD Launch into counterculture mouvement in the 60s