I left home with a strange sadness upon my shoulders and climbed as much as I could, with that weight, to the top of the hills carrying a Polaroid camera. In the mist I felt the surrounding images were profoundly beautiful and, maybe, part of that beauty was due to the farewell I was undertaking.
The landscape told me that the world would end and to take a relic from there, to take the images to another dimension. With this constant heft of sadness, I used the instant pictures to fix those elements: the characters of the unraveling of a long tale, to be seen by an undefined reader from another time. All things, in their farewell and resignation, flew through the air until they were caught on the Polaroid film. The cows, these eternal slaves of Man, as Sokurov[1] would say, stopped eating and stared at me for that posterior moment: the Beautiful-World and the Ugly-World were about to end.
^ «Элегия дороги» (2001) - Александр Сокуров / «Elegy of a Voyage» (2001) – Aleksandr Sokurov