Álvaro Rosendo May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982 - the persons who walked by took some time to go off their distrust and shyness e only a few «imprinted» the desired drawingsMay 18th, 1982 - the persons who walked by took some time to go off their distrust and shyness e only a few «imprinted» the desired drawingsMay 18th, 1982May 18th, 1982May 19th, 1982 - nevertheless, they didnt quitMay 19th, 1982 - nevertheless, they didnt quitMay 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982 - the constant drive by the vehicles on the same paper area provoked a movement in the «drawing», which may have been the most performative moment of the groupMay 19th, 1982 - the constant drive by the vehicles on the same paper area provoked a movement in the «drawing», which may have been the most performative moment of the groupMay 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982May 19th, 1982
Chiado's first animation – Spontaneous Art-Performance in Lisbon
May 18th and 19th, 1982
One group of students from the 4th and 5th years of the Painting degree of Escola Superior de Belas Artes de Lisboa (currently, Faculdade de Belas Artes) in the academic years of 1981/1982 carried one (para-) performative intervention in the neighborhood of the school building located at Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas Artes, in Chiado, in Lisbon's downtown.
On May 18th, after lunch, on a foggy Tuesday, they seek for the spontaneous collaboration of pedestrians of Rua Garret, placing large format white sheets of paper sticked with tape to the ground, expecting that, after being stepped over, the impressions of the footsteps could create «artworks» randomly drawn. The persons who walked by took some time to go off their distrust and shyness e only a few «imprinted» the desired drawings.
Nevertheless, they didn't quit. In the next morning, a little brighter, they placed «backdrop paper» (a drawing paper, yellowish and of large format which can be bought by the meter or in seamless rolls), in the same street. The paper was stretched from the front of Basílica de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires to the other side, above the road. The constant drive by the vehicles on the same paper area provoked a movement in the «drawing», which may have been the most performative moment of the group, who changed the placement of the paper from a transversal to a longitudinal position, in the same road, achieving, thus, a total «print» of the artwork over the paper support.
Participants: Manuel San Payo, Jaime Lebre, Helena Pinto, Gonçalo Ruivo, Ana Vidigal, Inês Simões, Madalena Coelho, Xana Barata, Domingos Isabelinho, Marina Bairrão Ruivo, Nicolau Tudela, Pedro Proença, Caseirão, Fernando Brito and other students and pedestrians, in a spontaneous way.