This piece of music came to me the night after I watched the last episode of one of my favourite television series. I could relate a lot to the main character, mainly because I could see behind that rock solid mask he was wearing all the time (metaphorically speaking, of course).
A man always cruel, indifferent and emotionless on the outside, was just another fearful gentle child on the inside.
For me, this song represents nothing more than those moments when we finally let it go, when we finally take that mask off.
We spend too much energy pretending to be someone we are not, fighting our own personality. At some point it just gets overwhelming and we need to stop and rest. And you can only truly rest when you open your book, the book of your true self and gently read it to the one you trust and love, like he did in that last episode.
«Behind the Mask» is a track from One Big Dream, debut album by Eleven Tales.