All that lies within me is the product of all that perceives in me
Filipe Cortez e Ana Sophie Salazar
Filipe Cortez, «S/T», 2019. Latex, resíduos e espelhos, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.Filipe Cortez, «Untitled», 2019. Latex, residues and mirrors, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.
Filipe Cortez, «S/T», 2019. Resíduos e espelhos, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.Filipe Cortez, «Untitled», 2019. Residues and mirrors, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.
Filipe Cortez, «S/T», 2019. Latex, resíduos e espelhos, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.Filipe Cortez, «Untitled», 2019. Latex, residues and mirrors, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.
Filipe Cortez, «S/T», 2019. Latex, resíduos e espelhos, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.Filipe Cortez, «Untitled», 2019. Latex, residues and mirrors, 7 x 23 x 11 cm.
The only constant is change said Heraclitus of Ephesus and so said many others and whoever didn’t say so was not therefore spared from experiencing this truth in their own skin. The majority of changes are not sudden or overnight. Every single moment everything is constantly changing a tiny little bit it’s not noticeable because it’s so little it’s not visible because the eyes are accustomed to the illusion of permanence.
Things don’t metamorphose suddenly everything changes a tiny bit every moment. Every moment time passes with no goodbye and with the passing of time minuscule chemical reactions happen and the shapes and colours and materials change change change. Sometimes we plan change we build ourselves and build the world around us according to our plans some go well most go wrong. Sometimes we want change because we have a vision of how things can be better how they can be different. But who plans which joint will start hurting first who foresees which wrinkle will deepen first who chooses which tooth will darken first?
Every moment some change. Every instant pregnant with the next full of time to pass with countless particles changing. What was is no more. The artist asks how to capture how to get a hold of? How to understand analyse observe transformation and pay homage to memories knowing that any material chosen will be bound to the same law. Traces remain. Past skins accumulate and calcify or so it seems. From skin to brick from skin to stone from brick to construction material. Construction of memories from the past of histories of places that have been. In the past there is no present.
Layers and layers of thought thoughts and mummified remnants in a palimpsest where as much as is added is also subtracted. The hope of building a home. An identity with place where the brick is strong and oh if time wouldn’t bring decay it wouldn’t be time and we wouldn’t be us. Like in lacquer painting we patiently apply each layer and calmly remove the excess or time removes it for us. Let no one stop engraving images embed precious stones polish and give shine just because time will pass. Time has passed already.
All that lies within me is the product of all that perceives in me.