Margarida CorreiaABC No RioABC No RioSteveSteveVikkiVikkiSui LongSui LongABC No RioABC No RioABC No RioABC No Rio
ABC No Rio (2010) is a photographic project about a New York Arts community and its relationship with a building: ABC No Rio and its volunteers.
«...ABC No Rio began with The Real Estate Show, an illegal art exhibition about land use and gentrification mounted in an abandoned building at 123 Delancey Street in 1979. After the exhibition was shut down by NYPD, the arts community rallied in protest. The city was forced to relent, offering a nearby property to the artists—156 Rivington St. Today, No Rio supports activities from art exhibits to punk shows and provides space for other progressive organizations like Food Not Bombs and Time’s Up. A community center that has maintained its allegiance to both art and activism, No Rio is representative of a New York that is fast disappearing. Soon, the existing structure will be torn down to make way for a new No Rio building...»[1] – Erin Sickler